Our Partners

Here at IFB we are honoured to work alongside many like-minded individuals, all of whom have have animal welfare at their core.

The International Society of Animal Professionals

Website: https://is-ap.org/

For more information about the organisation and how to become a member email Brigitte Barton at isapinfo@btinternet.com

International Equine Professionals

Website: https://iepglobal.net/

For more information about the organisation and how to become a member email Kate Thornton at intequinepro@gmail.com

International Canine Behaviourists

Website: https://icbglobal.net/

For more information about the organisation and how to become a member email Brigitte Barton at b.barton@btinternet.com

Desire More

Website: www.desiremore.co.uk

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